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Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Goalkeeper Pressure

The goalkeeper position probably is the position that coaches demand perfection since any small mistake can lead to a goal. Is not a valued position or well recognized in majority of the cases but the goalkeeper position is of extreme importance if not the most important.

The goalkeeper can be the hero or villain in a game since he will be present in that most expected moment of the game that is deny the goal or allow it... But the pressure in the goalkeeper role it goes behind in just making saves. Is expected from the keeper to be cool, courageous, brave and sometimes a bit of craziness is expected.

We ask them to be communicative, a leader of defense and team but also that remain calm in handling moments of pressure during the game. Is important that the keeper be focus and efficient 100% of the time, make good decisions and maintain good positioning throughout the game.

The keeper needs to be excellent in 1v1 situations and hopes are that can save the team from a situation where probably the opponent will score. We ask to be good playing with the feet also to take goal kicks, to play short or long and to work as a sweeper in case of long balls... and we expect precision... Basically, we expect everything from our keeper.

But this is not the biggest pressure of a keeper. This is the life chosen, their mission... to be part of the teams success.

The problem is when this demands are not followed by regular specialized training. The problem is when the feedback only comes when the keeper makes a mistake. The problem is when we don't praise the efficiency of the keeper the same way we critic the mistakes.

The problem is when the demands are totally not adjusted to the age of a keeper and his/her technical level.

Maybe some coaches never thought about it but can you imagine an 8/9 year old taking goal kicks with 13 players in front of them and so many voices telling what to do and a referee telling to hurry up?

Well, that is pressure...

Most of this young keepers are not even there because they chose to... and they fear to fail and let the team down...

As a former professional keeper I experienced many failures and many successes. I was the best in one week just to be a disappointment in the next... The newspaper needs heroes and villains to make headlines.

Life is made of decisions and the goalkeeper life is no different with decisions needed to be made constantly where the success of the team depends on it.

When I dressed my team jersey and put on those gloves I felt special... I knew of the pressure on my shoulders but the passion I had for the game was superior than any pressure or disappointment.

Failing or succeeding I knew I always would put those gloves on again...

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