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M-Station - Perfect Gift for Soccer Players

Friday, June 28, 2013

Compete educating, educating competing.

We can play well and lose, but you have to know to compete

In any sport or situation in which they always compete, there is a winner and a loser, but we must not allow ourselves to influence in excess by the triumph or defeat. We must teach putting goals, being impartial. It is not advisable to educate our players focusing only on victory, because that would make them focus only on themselves. When it comes to a sports competition, the most important is that athletes can learn to enjoy the competition, to perform their best game and strive as much as possible, without being influenced by parents or coaches. We have to teach them focusing on work and in victory, not only in victory.

In soccer, the competition is a complement in the education of the young athlete. And to carry out, all participants must help in this task; educators in their daily training, teaching values such as Fellowship, sportsmanship; the referees with his attitude on the field, teaching children what they have done wrong and why they have done wrong; and helping parents to respect both the opponent and the referee.

What means to compete

During my extensive educational work I've seen coaches of all kinds, which have trained winners children, children with success, although they were not happy nor fulfilled. Our aim should consist of child struggle, work, and prepare to be better each day before his coach, his team and himself, not to fight against fellow transformed into enemies to win.

We see daily competing athletes in any discipline, accepting defeat naturally, congratulating the opponent and greeting the referee at the end of the match. Do young people to see this situation as normal is the best way to compete and is part of our success in the competitive education. In this way, children will learn that the competition is fun and that the result does not have to influence negative behaviour towards the opponent. We know that competition is present in the majority of the teams participating in any sport. Athletes want to succeed and compete at the expense of whatever it takes to achieve it. Coaches have to focus their sights on working to educate children, competent, but also competitive people.

Train and compete

Trainers may have, in some cases, doubt what its priority in a base school, training or competing. In any club, it is understandable and very reasonable to look for training, but is difficult to me to understand training without competing really. I cannot understand that a group of youths form better losing than winning, but on the contrary, a team is better winning than losing.

Purely formative work has already performed at the lower levels, the role of amateur and semi-professional teams is the form player in the basic appearance of all soccer gear: compete. Similarly, a player who has gone through all the formative stages (child, Cadet, junior and amateur) and comes to a team, who compete in national leagues, must come with all competitiveness and formation well learned. A player who reaches a semi-professional or professional, team them will be a much more competitive world. It will realize that, sometimes, quality is not everything and must learn to handle other components such as time, the rival, the field of play, the public, etc.., and we must prepare for it.

The importance of the classification

The child needed encouragement to make their learning success. Daily sessions youngsters notice to improve, but need more, need to deal with others to compare his talent. And that should be work of the educator and the own competition. What we mean, that goals? Any achievement, however small, that can serve us prize. Give a good pass or make a stop for some may mean that score a goal, winning the game or win the Championship for others. To achieve a healthy and fair competition the ideal is to compete with peer groups, here is where we see really ours. If we do not, we shall confine ourselves just to participate, without achieving our objectives.

We sometimes hesitate to sacrifice some of the training aspects, with the aim of achieving a better classification in the table. Is classification important? Yes of course. It is the Guide, the benchmark for our level, with respect to our opponents. It will tell us if, by putting into practice our method, we are competing in the same or different conditions than our opponents. The athlete, the player, the group, want to know, they need to know how, as they are doing in the competition.

One of our main goals of this competition must be fair play. Playing a key role in any sporting competition, requiring its application in the activities of the children.

In professional sport it is not enough to overcome one's self, you need to overcome to the contrary. One seeks win, be better than others, but we should do it enjoying in training and in competition, striving and, at times, suffering. This suffering and this sacrifice will take you to the success. They are values that we must teach our disciples, from the schools of base to professional teams.

Learn to win, to lose and to compete.

I put three key concepts in order to give meaning to the formation of the child: compete, learn and earn. Learn how to win. Compete to win. Learn to compete to win. Include these three concepts in the competitive education, training is a good reasoning to incorporate it into the methodology of training programs. Other aspects with a leisure component, remain valid, although they are losing weight in the training of football players 'professional' clubs. Soccer schools which belong to clubs who play in the Professional League, should not be confused with a summer school where learning to be better striker or goalkeeper, if not as a trial of the ultimate goal (to play with the first team), where each of the players must get used to all and each of the circumstances of a professional football team.

Schools and football clubs which are not these competition models must adapt to their players for the competition that is intended to reach.

Coaches must be careful with this and you should be aware that repeat exactly what other clubs do not mean that they will get the same results. The way particular train, work or play, the "how-to" marks the differences between players, teams and coaches. We will have to set limits that are not negotiable, becoming mandatory standards: not to cause harm, not to insult, study, eat and rest properly. But it is not enough to put the rules. As important is as establishing them, control are compliant. And another important thing that sometimes we forget, soccer is a game and it is important to have fun. If the child is not having fun, can leave the sport. In addition, reiterate the importance of knowing the player and adapt to your personal situation, setting objectives affordable short term, learn how to compete, learn to win and learn how to lose.

We must lead to the competition directions where to benefit youth, the group and the institution to which we belong.

You can win or lose, much or little, if victory is not achieved, no problem, whenever we do competing.

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